Government Agency Case Study
The Client
Mexsat is a geosynchronous mobile satellite communications network commissioned and operated by the Mexican government.
The Engagement
Mobile Frontiers engaged at all levels of the program within the Mexican Government from the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), Mexican Military Leaders and the Director of the Telecomunicaciones de México. Mobile Frontiers’s role was to staff engineers to ensure the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective and robust terminals and services. Mobile Frontiers also managed and engaged key suppliers and vendors to the programs at Boeing, Hughes Network Systems and other vendors for the following activities:
- Terminal and chipset requirements, development and ecosystem support—developed over 4000 requirements for 12 different terminal types with a requirements traceability matrix to ensure compliance and test
- UICC/SIM development and core network integration
- RFI and RFP development and vendor selection
- Terminal contracts and acceptance criteria
- Terminal vendor management
- Long-term certification plans
- Lab development and training of lab staff
- Development of a Load-Testing System (Mobile Frontier’s Volcano solution)
- Engagement with Mexican regulatory bodies (IFT) for new testing procedures
- Link budget development and support
- Frequency coordination support
- Development of terminal vendor acceptance test program

The Results
Mexsat is now able to provide 3G+ voice, PTT and data services to mobile terminals on land, air and sea for the enhancement of the country’s national security, civil and humanitarian programs.*
* This program was through DCmobility, the parent holding company of Mobile Frontiers.